First Name
Last Name
How did you hear about YWCA Greater Austin as a placement opportunity?
School internship/volunteer list
Internship/volunteer fair
From a friend
From someone else at your program
YWCA Website or Social Media
If other, please describe:
Please share your agreement or disagreement with this statement: Orientation prepared me well for what to expect during my internship.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
How would you describe the training and supervision you received during your internship, including orientation?
In what areas do you feel you have grown the most professionally during your internship, and can you share an example of how feedback from a supervisor helped you grow?
What specific counseling techniques or approaches have you found most effective during your internship and how did your experience with clients impact your understanding of therapy practices?
How much were you involved in the intake and billing process? Would you have wanted more or less autonomy?
Please share your agreement or disagreement with this statement: I felt supported by the staff associated with my internship.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Please share your agreement or disagreement with this statement: There were enough resources available (e.g. staff, materials, training, counseling tools) to assist me effectively in my role.
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Is there anything else you would like to share about the staff support or resources?
What aspects of the counseling program did you find most beneficial?
Are there areas of the program that you believe need improvement?
What was the most challenging experience during your internship, and how did you handle it?
Were there sufficient mechanisms in place to address intern concerns and challenges?
How has this internship experience influenced your career goals in counseling?
Do you feel prepared to enter the professional world of counseling after completing your internship? If not, what could change?
What is one thing you would change about the internship experience?
What advice would you give to future interns to help them get the most out of their experience in this program?
Do you give permission for us to use your answers as part of our marketing materials in the future?
Yes, you can use my answers with my name
Yes, you can use my answers anonymously
No, you cannot use my answers